It is a primary school and most populated school in Addu City.There are 800 hundred students are studying and 125 staffs are working in the school. The school is highly using ICT and modern resources.
We believe that each child can be educated to
the fullest of his or her ability to become self-motivated life-long learners
who use information and resources efficiently. We believe students can achieve this goal using the resources effectively , which incorporates
collaboration between the resource center specialist, teachers, students, parents
and the community.We conduct workshops and awareness programs for students teachers parents and the community to aware the school resource center. Our school resource center is connected by other school resource center and get more opportunities to access in our school library.
According to RC vision and mission , I felt this will be a very good school to provide a good learning environment,
ReplyDeleteYes you all could get better services from here.
ReplyDeleteOf course we are trying to best services.
ReplyDeleteThe vision and mission is the mirror of your school... As i believe your school can provide quality service to the citizen
ReplyDeletethank you all for your nice comments