
Nasiriya library is set for the improvement of school teaching and learning process. We provide resources and services to the students and staffs of the school and local community. We provide books national curriculum and related subjects contents and the past papers which is needed for teachers in and also digital services,  newspapers, manuscripts photo copy and printing and photo copy services

Objectives for students
  • To  make the library an integral part of the curriculum
  • To provide reading guidance
  • To provide meaningful, timely instruction in information access skills, including print, non- print, and electronic means
  • To provide materials for reference and research
  • To maintain desirable attitudes and social behavior
  • To provide a wide variety of reading materials for all uses
  • To provide an opportunity for recreational reading
  • To develop respect for others' rights and privileges
  • To develop good thinking and learning habits
  • To form the habit of using library media centers and materials
  • To maintain a flexible schedule for more effective and efficient use of library media materials and resources
Objectives for the teachers
  • To assist in the selection and utilization of library media materials
  • To participate in programs for the continuing professional growth of the school staff
  • To provide materials and resources to support curricular integration
  • To plan cooperatively for information access skills integration into the grade level curriculum
Objectives for other stakeholders

  •      To assist awareness and improve the community
  •          To enhance and improve the reading and gain knowledge and information.

Rules and Regulations

I. General rule
  1.   Library Pass
Any one belongs in Hulhudhoo  is required to have a library  ID which serves as a library pass.  The ID is issued by the school to all officially
      2.  Borrower’s Card
    1. Every student of Nasriyya school has a borrower’s card on file in the library. 
    2. As soon as the first card is filled up, a second card is issued upon payment of Rf.5.00  The new card is attached to the first card for record purpose.
  1. Control Procedure
    1. Students are requested to keep their bags at the outside bag shelves before entering the library.
    2. No things are allowed inside the reserve section.
    3. Only students with an ID may enter in the library.
    4. Inspection of books borrowed, folders and envelopes is a routine procedure upon leaving the library.  
Reserve Section
  •      The Reserve Section is an enclosed area in the library.  Only users of reserve section are allowed in this area.  Users are not allowed to bring anything in the reserve section.  Bringing out of books and other materials from the reserve section is not allowed except for photocopying purposes.  .
  •        Information Files:

    • Vertical file materials are clipped articles from news papers and magazines, kept in folders, and arranged alphabetically according to subject headings in the steel cabinets in the reserve area.
    • Souvenir program: institutional, annual reports, graduation, school activities and handbook are in envelops in the steel cabinets.
  •         Pamphlet File is filed on Princeton boxes according to their call numbers in a cart in one area of the reserve section.

General Circulation
  1. Students may borrow (2) two books at a time. Books borrowed may be renewed for another week (max. of three days) provided there has been no prior reservation for them.
  2. A fine of Rf 2.00 is charged on every book each day it is overdue.  The student is automatically suspended from borrowing for a week.
    1. A lost book which is on loan must be reported as soon as possible at the circulation desk, so that overdue fines may not accrue.
    2. Lost books must be replaced with the same title and author and if possible of the latest edition.  If the lost books are irreplaceable, other books of the same subject are accepted for replacement.
    1. The periodicals section is found in one corner of the general reading area. Magazines, journals, and newspapers are strictly for room use in this area.
    2. Readers are strictly prohibited from bringing anything with them to the periodical section.
The photocopying machine is available in the general reading section from 7:00-12:00 p.m during school hours
    1. Only students with IDs are allowed inside the library
    2. Students with overdue books or any outstanding obligation in the library are not allowed to check out any material until such obligation is settled.  After third notice, a student with an unsettled obligation gets violation report. (disregard of library rules & regulations)
    3. Willful mutilation of library property (books, magazines, tables, chairs, etc.) will be dealt with severely by the administration.
    4. Lending a book/s borrowed is strictly prohibited.  It subjects both the lender and the lendee to suspension of library privileges.
    5. EATING and use of cell-phone inside the library are absolutely prohibited.
    6. Silence must be maintained at all times.  Silence and     concern for others must be the key in the use of the library.
    7. Students constantly violating these rules:
  • are sent out, ID confiscated and library privileges suspended
  • are issued violation reports
  With the Principal’s approval, the Head Librarian may suspend indefinitely any or all library privileges of any student for any repeated or serious violation of library rules and regulations.


  1. Interesting rules.... It will help you a lot to manage the library and its services
